Wolf Dynamics - Multiphysics simulations, optimization, and data analytics


In this page, you will find a collection of tutorials, validation cases, and training material related to CFD, CAD, mesh generation, optimization, data analysis, scientific visualization, interactive data visualization, and scientific computing.


Validation cases:

OpenFOAM® validation cases



Getting started with OpenFOAM® - Beginner tutorials (Oldies but goodies)

OpenFOAM® wiki tutorials

Dakota - Optimization of a soda can

Paraview tutorials

Solid modeling using onshape

Solid modeling and meshing using salome

Python tutorials

Exploratory data analysis and data visualization tutorials using python

Exploratory data analysis and data visualization tutorials using R

Interactive data visualization using d3.js


Training material:

OpenFOAM® introductory training material

Turbulence modeling in OpenFOAM® and general CFD - Advanced training

Multiphase flows modeling in OpenFOAM® and general CFD - Advanced training

Dynamic meshes in OpenFOAM® - Advanced training

Design of experiments, space exploration, and numerical optimization using Dakota and code coupling Dakota-OpenFOAM

Basic solid modeling for CFD using Onshape and mesh generation using OpenFOAM tools

Introduction to the FVM method, discretization techniques, and solution strategies. Standard practices in general CFD with applications to OpenFOAM

Advanced meshing with CFMESH - Advanced training (this material is not supported anymore)

OpenFOAM® for naval applications - Advanced training (this training material is outdated)

Quick introduction to Paraview-paraFoam



Training sessions delivered at OpenFOAM workshops:

Design of experiments, space exploration, and numerical optimization using DAKOTA and OpenFOAM - 11th OpenFOAM workshop

A Crash Introduction to the Finite Volume Method and Discretization Schemes in OpenFOAM and general CFD - 15th OpenFOAM workshop

Optimization methods in CFD. An open-source approach using DAKOTA and OpenFOAM - 16th OpenFOAM workshop






Wolf Dynamics makes no warranty, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or usefulness of the information disclosed in this training material. This training material is intended to provide general information only. Any reliance the final user place on this training material is therefore strictly at his/her own risk. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall Wolf Dynamics be liable for any loss, damage or injury, arising directly or indirectly from the use or misuse of the information contained in this training material.