Wolf Dynamics - Multiphysics simulations, optimization, and data analytics

Data Analytics & Interactive Data Visualization Portfolio

In this section, you will find a few samples of our data analytics and interactive data visualization portfolio.

Interactive data visualization with D3.JS

Nasdaq 100. Financial dashboard using d3.js. The data was scraped from the web.

US airline performance. Cross-filtering and interactive dashboard using d3.js. The data was scraped from the web.

Cruise ratings by cruise line and ship. Interactive dashboard using d3.js. The data was scraped from the web.

Sports analytics dataset, scatterplot using lasso selection. Interactive dashboard using d3.js. The data was scraped from the web.

K-means clustering of random points using d3.js and javascript. Open the visualization in bl.ocks.org or in github.io

Design space exploration and optimization dataset visualization using d3.js. The data was obtained from an optimization study using OpenFOAM® and Dakota.

Boxplot - Small multiples

Histograms - Small multiples

Regression - Small multiples

Hexagonal binning - Small multiples

Parallel coordinates

Scatter plot - Pareto front inspector



Data analytics, machine learning and data visualization with Python

Sports analytics case. Data scraping, data wrangling, data analytics, exploratory data analysis, advanced plotting, and clustering

Data scraping from the web

Reading csv and json files, some data wrangling and data manipulation using pandas, and basic data analytics and plotting

Advanced data analytics and plotting

Unsupervised machine learning (clustering) using scipy and some advanced plotting



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